Daures Green Hydrogen Village gets Australian partner

The Australian green energy company Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and Enersense Energy Namibia (EEN) agreed to work together on developing green hydrogen and green ammonia for the Daures Green Hydrogen Village project in Namibia.

Fortescue Future Industries is leading the green industrial revolution, developing technology solutions for hard-to-decarbonise industries.

The Daures Green Hydrogen Village is in the Daures constituency in the Erongo region. The village has been targeted for the green hydrogen project to be Africa's first net zero village.

The German Federal Ministry of Research and Education and the Namibian government have funded the Daures Green Hydrogen Village project’s first phase, which consists of more than 1 MW of renewable energy and 500 kW electrolyser.

When fully operational, the Daures Green Hydrogen project intends to supply a vegetable greenhouse and various agricultural research projects in partnership with the University of Namibia and the University of Stuttgart.

The agreement entails that Fortescue Future Industries will support, offer expert knowledge, and guide the Daures Green Hydrogen Village during its initial stage.

Fortescue Future Industries will also be allowed to study and perform due diligence on the project, which not only aims to revolutionise farming in Africa by potentially producing agricultural produce using fertiliser made from green ammonia but also to supply green hydrogen and green ammonia to regional and international markets.

Daures Green Hydrogen Village chief executive officer Jerome Namaseb said the agreement would explore the possibility of working together further to develop the Daures Green Hydrogen Village’s subsequent phases.

Namaseb said the Daures Green Hydrogen Village has the potential to provide over 50 ongoing sustainable jobs and 100 temporary jobs during construction and will realise the production of Namibia’s first batch of green hydrogen, green ammonia and carbon-free agriculture. 

"The Village intends to be Africa’s first Net Zero community and has the potential to produce more than 1GW worth of renewable energy and over 350,000 tons of ammonia,” Namaseb said.

Fortescue Future Industries Africa chairperson John Ngumi said Namibia has the chance to become a global powerhouse in the green energy value chain, with its abundant natural resources able to generate the renewable energy needed to produce large-scale green hydrogen and green ammonia for export and local decarbonising industry.


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