Akari starts mapping Uis lithium project

Askari Metals has started a mapping and sampling program at its Uis Lithium Project in Namibia. 

The Uis Lithium Project is near Uis town and the Uis Tin-Tantalum-Lithium mine. 

The project covers 308.12 km2 and has more than 150 mapped pegmatites, many of which have been mined historically for tin and semi-precious stones.

The company has engaged Earthlab Technical, a professional mining and exploration geological consulting firm, to complete the mapping and sampling program. 

The mapping program on exclusive prospecting licence 7345 is the first phase of Askari Metals' exploration plan for the project.

After the completion of the mapping, the geological team will move to exclusive prospecting licence 8535, a few kilometres to the west, to apply the same scope of work to the second mapping program. 

The project aims to identify various pegmatites, their mineralization tenor, and the relationship between the host lithology, pegmatite type, and mineralization. 

Concurrently with the mapping program, the first phase of drilling is set to commence on Feb. 7, 2023.

The results of the program will help the company target future exploration activities efficiently. 

Johan Lambrechts, VP of Exploration & Geology for Askari Metals, stated that the detailed mapping and sampling program on EPL 7345 is a crucial part of the company's exploration plan for the Uis Lithium Project. 

The program aims to commence Phase II drilling soon and advance the company's status in the lithium exploration space in Namibia. 

Lambrechts also stated that the company is committed to continuing its aggressive exploration activities in Namibia and Australia. 

Lambrechts said the company looks forward to updating shareholders as its exploration activities continue.

The detailed mapping program at Askari Metals' Uis Lithium Project aims to cover the 308.12 km2 area and identify various types of pegmatites, their dimensions, and visible mineralogy. 

The mineralization tenor of the pegmatites will be determined by collecting multiple samples from each outcrop. 

The initial reconnaissance campaign identified several high-grade lithium, tantalum, tin, and rubidium pegmatite outcrops. 

There are likely multiple pegmatites, including LCT with high lithium grades and caesium-depleted pegmatites with higher tin and tantalum correlations. 

The project area also has a mixture of mafic metasediments in the south and granite-dominated landscapes in the north. 

The mapping program will determine the relationship between the host lithology, pegmatite type, and mineralization. 

The company expects a high number of pegmatite outcrops to be identified by the program, and satellite imagery and ground inspection suggest a large proportion of the tenement still needs to be explored.


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