Forsys Namibian subsidiary Valencia to conduct trade-off study for Norasa Mine

Valencia Uranium will conduct a technical trade-off study to evaluate the Norasa Uranium Project's practical and economic benefits.

The Norasa Uranium Project is wholly owned by Valencia Uranium (Pty) Ltd. and comprises the Valencia Uranium Project under mining licence 149 and the Namibplaas Uranium Project under mining licence 3638 in the Erongo region of Namibia.

Valencia is a subsidiary of the Canadian company Forsys Metals, which contracted Ausenco Limited in 2022 to review the 2015 Norasa definitive feasibility study.

The Ausenco report identified several aspects and recommendations for technical optimisation and cost-saving opportunities compared to the original DFS.

Valencia Uranium has appointed DRA Mineral Projects Pty Ltd as the engineering consulting company to conduct the trade-off studies. 

DRA Mineral Projects will review test work information to confirm optimal grind size considering uranium recovery, costs, materials handling and tailings handling. 

It will also look into the balance of trade-off studies, including the comminution circuitry design, leach circuitry design and layout, and dewatering circuit configuration and design. 

The company will study the tailings deposition option, techno-financial evaluations, and qualitative risk assessments to select the best design basis for further definitive feasibility study validation.

During the eight weeks of the study, DRA Minerals will carry out a drill program for confirmatory and variability metallurgical test work.

Forsys chief executive officer Mark Frewin expressed confidence in the studies.

"We are pleased to appoint DRA to conduct these studies as they are highly qualified and have a strong understanding and experience with uranium mining. 

"The appointment is a key element towards engineering and design optimization at Norasa. We are confident that the studies will highlight opportunities to improve the project economics in a market where uranium is now being treated as an environmentally sound renewable energy source," Frewin said.


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